Friday, 3 August 2018

Boon of PHP and Benefits for Web Development

‘World Wide Web’ is evolving fast, and it’s not only about the technology or the medium, but also about the user experience. Today, heavy, flash based and text-oriented websites are not getting traffic. The major web browsers have stopped supporting flash websites and contents.

The web developers are shifting their base towards newer programming language and scripting. HTML 5, PHP 5.4 and .Net is now ruling the roost of website development.

What are the guidelines affecting flash and text-oriented websites?
  • Major web browsers want less bounce rate and fast downloading of sites. Flash websites are heavy and take time to load. These results in a poor user experience.

  • The competition between major browsers is opening up scope for developing platforms, which are lite, easy to navigate, less text, more infographics, and visual features. Here, flash websites lack the visual power of HTML 5, PHP’s lite website feature, and support to multimedia.

  • With the revolution of the digital industry and an increase in smartphone usage, websites are developed to support every device. This requires a mix and match of HTML 5, PHP and AMP. Here, flash doesn’t find takers. These websites are also less text-based and more about specific information with a call to action.

  • AMP like features have further killed flash, and given an edge to ‘WordPress, PHP, .Net etc.’
These, are only a few to discuss, there are many more reasons why flash is no more a choice. Web developers have now less to worry and more to do rightly, in terms of website development.

According to a website development company in Delhi, all major web browsers like ‘Google Chrome, Firefox, and Opera’ have strictly banned flash contents. They have rather endorsed programming language like ‘PHP’ to be one of the key languages in the future. It will decide the fate of online websites and its recognition by crawlers while adjudging search engine rankings.

Why PHP? Isn’t that a question always bothers the world apart from technocrats and programmers.

PHP is world’s most popular scripting language and on the web, it’s in most demand. PHP ensures developing websites, which are functions easily, download fast, can operate complex functions, and are secured from malware or other online threats. So, in short, you can really develop a strong website with features of your choices. This will ensure a highly satisfying user experience. PHP is also preferred as a programming language as it’s easy to embed PHP scripts with HTML coding.

Note: A significant point to note is ‘PHP’ is an open source platform and it brings countless functionality from the developer’s community around the world.

PHP is considered to be easy to write the script, faster than its competitors, free platform, open source medium, and support varied databases.

  1. Quick Turn Around Time (easy development)
  2. Simple Sites (Easy Scripting)
  3. Economical (Less Expensive than others, as a free platform)
Benefits of PHP according to PHP Development Company in India:
  1. Free to use and open source
  2. Different functionalities and help are available online from different PHP developers
  3. No more pay for higher version or upgradation
  4. Easily Extendible and Expandable
  5. Every major database compliments PHP scripting
  6. Compatible to popular servers like ‘IIS and APACHE’
  7. Low Maintenance Cost
  8. Reliable and Secure
With OOP’s and other latest versions in PHP, it’s just becoming invincible and opening up scope for great websites in future.

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